Friday, December 31

Last Words to 2010

Dear 2010,

Season's Greetings from me!

The reason why im writing you this letter is to inform you that you've been a real bitch to me this year. you crippled me. and then made me go through a terrible time. forced me to walk through a divorce and get cussed at in a school. you tainted my reputation and made me a social butterfly. you. in 364 days. made me put on tons of weight. you got everyone around me married but not me. you got me drunk crying all the time. and you. you brought me down real low. made me celebrate my bday, xmas and the coming ny eve alone for the first time.

it was also you. who made me see the importance of family and friends. you made me appreciate their support in times of needs and in return making me be there for them too. you took me through so many companions to finally realize what i really needed from men. you woke me up with my denial and forced reality to me.

i thank you. so to honour you. i decided to make soem drastic changes to my life.

before you leave me for good. i will

1) desert my best friend of 13 years and leave him/her for good. goodbye viceroy blast. you've been with me through all my thicks and thin. you were there for me when my breathe was smelly, when im crapping, when i was crying, when i was sad and lonely. i have to leave you behind. im sorry. thank you for all your loyalty. i will miss you.

2) hello klc. and my two spinster bosses. i will try to learn to love you. really.

3) get my degree started. that means i will have to scrimp and save. no more shopping. restaurants. and weekly expenditure to be kept within 50. good god.

2010, you've not been the best for me. but you're the only one who've impacted me so much.

Goodbye, au revior, adieus!

Rest in Peace 2010.

p/s: can you please tell your friend, 2011, to be kinder to racqueen, effy, me and the people around me?

thank you. your kind understanding and prompt action will be much appreciated.

best regards,

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